Are European cannons good Shogun 2?Įuropean Cannons can only be trained by Christian factions, from Nanban Quarters. The western factions will get it first and Date will get it last. You should get it within the first 40 turns for Oda. I think the earliest places are on the southern island. You can only upgrade to a Nanban port if you already own one or the Christian traders event pops up and you accept. So, just having matchlock ashigaru who can backhand enemy melee troops is practically just as valuable as ones with bonus accuracy (Do note: ACCURACY STILL DOES HELP, just not as much as it does with bows.) How do I unlock my Nanban port? Trade ships are not the only ships that can engage in trade red seal ships and nanban trade ships can also generate income from trade nodes. If their faction has trade relations with other factions, this generates large amounts of profits. Trade ships generate trade goods by being placed on trade nodes. Once the population is about 30-50% Christian, you are given the option via the clan page to convert.
Once you build a Nanban port your population starts becoming mixed religion.
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